Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What Else is This Day Going to Give Me?

Having class at 10:30, so you can sleep in - excellent.
Finding out an assignment is actually due later than you thought - excellent.
Getting a cookie in class to prove a point - excellent.
Institute choir and low notes - excellent.

UPDATE: Apparently, it can give me hot chocolate. Excellent.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

PS ~ This Song is Adorable

Also, since I began working at Lee's (hey, I work at Lee's now) I have had these recurring dreams where I'm checking out people's groceries and also there's some ASL thrown in there. So that's cool.

Also, everyone should go to Institute.

Also, did I tell you that I'm probably going to switch my emphasis in my major? So, I'm an FCHD (Family, Consumer, and Human Development) major and my emphasis is currently human development, but I'm probably going to switch that to family relations and also I'm probably going to add an ASL minor. Yay!

Did I mention that today is just a good day?!

Divinely Inspired

Today is a good day.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Only Thing That Could Make This Better is if My Celebrity Crush Would Come Back

Do you ever just have one day that's magnificent in every way?

Being with some of the coolest people on the planet.
Logan Canyon in the fall.
Bear Lake.
Seeing a friend I haven't seen in far too long.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Across the Highs and Lows and the in Between

So I'm not a big fan of Pink's. I like "Just Give Me a Reason," but that's about it.


So apparently Pink is going folky? And I love it.

A lot.