Thursday, January 23, 2014

Party Time



So Cara, CC, Bailey, EmmaLee, and I were talking about dreams yesterday. Which was fun. But here's the thing, I generally have no recollection of my dreams, and even when I do, I don't remember very long after I've woken up. It's so sad!

And guess what! They were talking about how they control their dreams and all this crazy stuff, which I have never been able to do, ever. But wouldn't that be way cool? Yeah, I think so, too.

It's now on my bucket list to control a dream.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

English 2010

Here's the thing.

I'm supposed to be doing my English homework right now. But I don't even know what it is that I'm supposed to be doing. So I can't do it yet. And my friend Lacey is in that class and she knows what's up, but she's not here. And we won't be free until like 10ish! That's a long time to not be doing the homework you're supposed to be doing.

Here's the other thing.

I don't care.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Dog Days Are Over

I'm listening to music. I love music. I like to listen to it, but I also like to sing.

I also like Zumba. I got back from class a little while ago and it makes me feel very healthy. And sweaty. 

I also like cuties. I'm going to go eat one...

I'm peeling it now...

I just ate the first slice. Yummy!

I'm a little bit paranoid about getting the juices on my computer, though...

Bailey's sitting in the lounge with me and it's a party. She's my RA, but mostly she's my friend. :) She also slipped last night while she was running to catch the elevator and it was the kind of fall that only happens in a cartoon, except for this time it happened in real life. It was funny. She's okay, though. So don't worry.

Sorry this post is pretty boring. I apologize for that. Maybe my life is boring.... Nah! 


But my life is awkward, so that's cool. 

The End.

Monday, January 13, 2014

This is My Life


A Poem

Direct Orders (Rock Out)
Anis Mojgani
"You have been given a direct order to rock out.
Rock out like you were just given the last rock and roll album on earth and the minutes are counting down to flames.
Rock out like the streets are empty except for you, your bicycle and your headphones.
Rock out like you get paid to disturb the peace. Rock out like music is all that you got.
Rock out like somebody’s got a barrel pointed at your temple saying ‘Rock out like your life depended on it, fool,‘ because it does.
Rock out like your eyes are fading, but you still got your ears.
Rock out like you got nothing to do, but everything.
Rock out like your dancing is all that you have to know who you are.
Rock out like your dead grandfather just came back to take a drive with you in your new car.
Rock out like the walls won’t fall but, dang it, you’re going to die trying to make them.
Rock out like the stereo’s volume knob is the figure 8 of infinity instead of merely numbers.
Rock out like it’s raining outside and you've got a girl to run through it with. Rock out like you throwing your window open on your honeymoon because you want the whole world to know what love is.
Rock out like you just went to your high school reunion to find everyone, even the women, are all overweight and bald, except for the former homecoming queen, who you just found out, got divorced from her impotent husband and only has eyes for.. YOU!
Rock out like a shadow man passes behind you, drops you to your knees. You’re buckling in sweat, cold metal’s pushed to your forehead, the trigger’s pulled and the gun jams.
Rock out like you got an empty appointment book, and a full tank of gas.
Rock out like this was the last weekend, like these were the last words, like you don’t ever want to forget how."

Hip Hop

I got cool new shoes for my cool hip hop class. Yeah. That's right.

Here's the story: 

So there I was, when CC and Cara told me to come with them to their hip hop class. And I was like, "well, I love dance, but here's the thing, I've never done hip hop and I'm also very white and not sure if my body knows 'hip hop.'" But then I went because I'm a pushover and thank goodness for that! I love this class! 

It makes me feel cool. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I may or may not be losing my voice. It just sounds really weird right now. But in a weird way I kind of like it... That's strange.

In other news, I love blogging! I'm just addicted and can't seem to stop today.

Also, why is there not a Target here? It just doesn't make sense.

I was going to take a picture with Cara, but then I don't look good today, so it'll have to wait until a later time.

And now I feel like I'm just rambling, so I'll just be done with this post...

Have a great night!

Their Eyes Were Watching God

PS~ Happy birthday Zora Neal Hurston!

And also, do you like my new background?


CC and I made a new friend today. His name is Shea (pronounced like Shay or Shea stadium which is apparently a thing). He's kind of a gentleman. Actually, I'm just guessing that he is...

If you want to see a picture of him, go here: PICTURE.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Fun Facts

What does one blog about when one really wants to blog, but has nothing to blog about?

How about I tell you some really fun and useless facts?

1) "Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey-decimal category."
     I don't know who this is, but I applaud him and want to read his books.

2) "Karaoke means 'empty orchestra' in Japanese."
3) "The word 'lethological' describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want."

4) "The word 'nerd' was first coined by Dr. Seuss in 'If I Ran the Zoo'."

5) "The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache."

6) "The dot on top of the letter 'i' is called a title."

7) "The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets."

8) "The sentence 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' uses every letter in the alphabet."

9) "The first novel ever written on a typewriter was 'Tom Sawyer.'"

10) "The name Wendy was made up for the book 'Peter Pan.'"

I'm Back at School! Yay!

But also, that means school....

But also, I love being back! I missed all my friends here!

But also, I'm sick, so that's not cool.

But also, I rode an airplane by myself for the first time (to get home) and then a train by myself for the first time (to get back), so that's exciting. PS~ the conductors on the train totally reminded me of The Polar Express, which is wonderful.

But also, it's crazy to think I'm starting my second semester of college....

And that's all I have to say right now.