Saturday, March 15, 2014

Potentially Figuring Out My Life and Being an Adult

So, I'm not a big fan of adulting. Making major life decisions is tough and not a very fun activity. However, today I am slightly more adult than yesterday! Maybe, just maybe, I have found my major!

Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time I am an undeclared major, which essentially means I don't know what I want to do with my life.

But picking a major is a big step in the direction of figuring out my future and also life!

So, without further ado, my major may just be "Family, Consumer, and Human Development with an emphasis in Child Development and either a minor in Sign Language or I'll just take enough sign language classes to be proficient at signing and get a BA."

What can I do with this illustrious major, you ask? Good question! There is a list of things I can do with this major, but I'm not sold on any specific career, you know? I mean, I think I would enjoy working with families. And, obviously, with an emphasis in Child Development I would clearly like to work with kids. So, that's a start, right? And maybe this is not a good plan and is actually not as adult as I'm making myself out to be, but I'm getting excited over the idea of this major and the classes and all that, so for now I think I'm content to say that maybe I've found my major.



  1. So congrats on the adulthood thing. So I'm wondering if "Family, Consumer, and Human Development with an emphasis in Child Development" includes some Psychology or Sociology. Not that your interests can't change as you get older, I'm just curious because of how much you have previously enjoyed those classes.

    I'm proud of you and your progression into adulthood. You're amazing and going to have a fabulous life!

  2. That sounds like such an interesting major!! I'm really excited for you :) I'm possibly second majoring in Child Development!
