Monday, May 12, 2014

A Request From Me in My New Home

"The Opposite of Love's Indifference."

That is a line that I really like from a song that I really like.* I think there's a lot in the world to love and I think a lot of people miss out on that by being indifferent.

Guys. There is a lot on Earth that is just freaking gorgeous. The sky is blue, but the shade of blue varies and it can also be red, orange, pink, purple, etc. After it rains all of the colors can be seen in an arch. I know there's science behind rainbows, but what?! The leaves on trees also change colors and are ridiculously beautiful just because they can (and a little bit of science, but whatever). There's so much undiscovered stuff in oceans, and there's mountaintops that crazy people climb, and there's sand at beaches, but also in deserts, and there's rain forests, and there's suburbs, and there's farmland, and there's industrialized cities, and there's so many freaking animals that fly or swim or crawl, or walk, and there's platypuses! Like, what is that thing?

There's also like amazing things that can happen on our planet. We can eat food cooked in a box of heat in our homes. We can cook food over sticks and fire. We can hit something, strum something, blow air into something and have music come out. We can even do that with our own bodies. We can move our feet and hands in a way that rhythmically fit into that music. We can kick or throw a ball just because. We can swim and we can fly (in machines that probably should not be capable of that). We have balloons and we have sweaters and we have chocolate. This is some pretty amazing stuff.

But also, even more than stuff you can find on Earth if you pay attention, there are people.

I don't know if you know this, but if you counted up all the people who ever lived and all the people who are currently living, and all of the people who will some day live, you would have a lot of human beings.

Can I make a request? As people, let's do a better job at noticing people. I can love the Earth and I can love my ukulele and I can love music and I can love dancing and I can love platypuses. But if we're indifferent toward people, then we have failed at love.

And I think that is too sad a thing to let happen.



  1. This post made me so happy. Dude, you're freaking amazing! This is gold right here.

  2. Laura says, "It's platypi, not platypuses." :)

    I love this post. I love that you are looking at the world and the people around you, and noticing it all!

  3. Actually it is platypuses, contrary to popular belief... And thanks. :)
