Friday, October 18, 2013

Making Things With My Bare Hands

So technically I'm not making anything, CC's mom is doing all the work, but still.

Oh, backtracking a bit... We're sewing skirts! CC's mom is really awesome and talented. At sewing. And a plethora of other stuff. A plethora. So now I have a black and white striped maxi skirt, a pink and white striped knee-length fun skirt, and even a colorful Aztec-y maxi skirt for Sarah Bear for Christmas! Yay for making things with your bare hands!

Just in case you don't realize that this is a big deal, THIS IS A BIG DEAL.

I don't sew. Neither does my mama (not a lot, anyway). So hand made stuff, particularly clothing, is a wonderful treasure.

Guess what I just realized. I'm using CC's computer, which means I can easily take pictures of the skirts and show you instead of doing a poor job describing them!

The black and white maxi skirt.

The pink and white striped fun one.

Sarah Bear's colorful Aztec-y skirt.
If I didn't love her, I would keep it...