Friday, April 25, 2014


So, I'm occasionally a fan of lists. I don't like "to-do" lists because I just get anxious about all the things I have to do and they're just no good. But I do like random lists. For example...

Things my eyes have done today (so far):
1) opened.
2) seen the world.
3) seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier (HFADGJLAUHU!).
4) gotten droopy.

And I'm just in a random list kind of mood. So, that's what I'm going to do.

Things that should happen in my near future:
1) pass finals.
2) get a job.
3) get a massage/have my back popped.

Things that would be cool to do sometime in my life (miniature edition):
1) This Life Hack -> "Too broke to travel? WWOOF is an organization that allows you to travel the world, with food/accommodations covered, in exchange for volunteer work." Preferably with Maddi. And also CC. Or with my future husband before we start a family.
2) Get married and start a family and then serve a senior couple mission for my church (I'm LDS, if you forgot).
3) Go to a Mumford and Sons concert.

Times/places I would want to live in if I didn't live where/when I do:
1) 1960's America.
(That's all I got for this particular moment in time, but if you kind of pick a time and place chances are that I would like to live there/then.)

Songs that mean a lot to me right now:
1) The Boxer by Mumford and Sons.
2) After the Storm by Mumford and Sons.

Songs that I've been listening to a lot recently:
1) Look at my previous list.
2) Any song by Mideau.
3) Any song by Of Monsters and Men (they're from Iceland! How cool is that?!?).
4) Various other indie folk songs.

My favorite superhero:
1) Captain America

Things I collect:
1) Mugs
2) Smiles

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